Stand with the heroes, Fight the zeros!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Democrats Lied About Obamacare

Congressman Paul Ryan Throws the BS Flag On Obamacare!

It didn't take an accounting degree to know that the Pelosi-rammed, Demo-scam known as Obamacare was a money wasting fraud.  Common sense Americans never bought the fairy tales about how everybody's going to get more and better care while saving money.

While they were at it, why didn't Harry and the Pelosicrats also promise they'd rid the world of unicorn poop and capture that leprechaun and take his pot o' gold hidden at the end of the rainbow? 

Only the willfully ignorant hopium smokers on the left believed this colossal Obamacare lie.  "But it was scored by the CBO!" Cry the Obama-langa-ding-dongs.  The CBO is a non-partisan organization that scores what is presented to them,  regardless of how pie-in-the-sky its assumptions are and regardless of the transparency of the tricks.  CBO scores it as presented.

Ryan resubmitted this travesty of lawmaking to the CBO, minus the tricks and hidden costs, and we now see it will cost almost a trillion dollars.  Here are the highlights...
Claims of deficit reduction exclude the $115 billion needed to implement the law. 

The score double-counts $521 billion from Social Security payroll taxes, CLASS Act premiums, and Medicare cuts.

It strips a costly doc-fix provision that was included in initial score. ($208 billion)

It measures 10 years of revenues to offset 6 years of new spending. 
There is no question that the creation of a trillion dollar open-ended entitlement is a fiscal train wreck.
Not only should this stinking pile of statist lies be repealed in its entirety, the perpetrators should be brought up on charges of fraud.

Go Congressman Ryan!  Keep up the excellent work!


Always On Watch said...

CBO scores it as presented.

Good point.

A lot of politically-savvy people don't seem to know that fact.

Lisa said...

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Lisa said...

they lied about everything with their tricks and deceit.
I heard Weiner try to debate the that with Michelle Bachman on "Meet The Depressed" and Hannity and they laughed at her like she is nuts to minimize what she's saying like the bullies that they are because they know they lost the debate. They are in denial about Nov 2 and the republicans better not cave in and stand their ground and keep remembering who put them there. and more importantly "why".

Leticia said...

Let's see if we can find some more reps to start standing up for the people.

And hopefully, they won't wimp out.

Linda said...

I agree that people with the tiniest little bit of common sense could never swallow the "yes, we're going to subsidize coverage for millions and millions of new people, but it will SAVE money and lower the deficit" hooey. It never ceases to amaze what people will accept when they think they will get something for nothing.

I have great respect for Paul Ryan. Ryan for President!

Jersey McJones said...

"While they were at it, why didn't Harry and the Pelosicrats also promise they'd rid the world of unicorn poop and capture that leprechaun and take his pot o' gold hidden at the end of the rainbow?"

Are you saying there aren't hardworking, decent Americans doing without quality, American-standard, healthcare right now? What? Do you think your fellow Americans are just a bunch of bums?


Silverfiddle said...

There are people without healthcare. This pile of crap hasn't solved their problem.

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