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Communist Hamsters threaten to "take out" America |
Only a few caught the details of the picture at the left, so I thought I'd post it again. Hamsters defending their communists is always worth a laugh or two...
Without further ado, here are the quoteworthy exchanges of the past week:
We start with an exchange between Bd and Bastiatarian. Bd, like all liberals, starts with the false premise that if government doesn't do it, it won't get done. Like an abused wife with Stockholm Syndrome defending her man that blacks her eyes and leaves her penniless, Bd lashes out at anyone who dares suggest that maybe government should get smaller.
Here's his weak attempt at sarcasm (or something like that) directed at the mean conservatives who are tired of the government picking their pockets at the point of a gun...
I don't mind if my 12 year old grand daughter has to quit school and work in sweat shops.
Bastiatarian's riposte:
Neither do I. In fact, I'll be angry if she doesn't become a hooker. I also want old people to eat nothing but cat food in an unheated one-room apartment, then freeze to death and starve to death at the same time, then come back to life and freeze to death and starve to death at the same time again.
Plus, I hate Negroes, Orientals, and brown people, especially if they're gay, and I have started a campaign to deny them healthcare. I want my woman to walk at least 5 steps behind me, and fan me with a palm frond and pumice my corns while I watch TV and talk on the phone with all those corporate executives that I'm plotting with to keep the working class in subjugation.
I want all the schools shut down, since education is only for the chosen elite, like me. I get my exercise in the morning by clubbing baby seals then burning them on a pile of street bums that I have rolled for quarters to finance my 500 private jets that I fly around in just to create smog and make unicorns cry.
Did I cover everything? Or do you have other moronic, brain-dead blabbering to add?
That's the tea party spirit!
FreeThinke describes liberalism
I love the last part of FreeThinke's remarks. I am a fan of Mark Twain, as well as late Victorian and early 20th Century literature, and in these genres you will find such beautifully fusty formulations.
One Way Rudeness -- the favored methodology of "Progressives." THEY feel perfectly free at all times to chastise, castigate, counsel, condemn, caricature and crap all over anyone who does not share their views, but dare to point out a glaring inconsistency or falsehood in any of the crud they fling your way, and YOU are a dirty SOB who'd sell your three-year-old-daughter's virginity to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, if the price was right.
Buncombe! Balderdash! Tosh and Tarradiddle! Stuff and Nonsense! Bilge! Rot! Bullshit! All describe liberalism to a tee.
Finally, Christopher answered my question, Why Does Obama Hate American Workers...
Why Does Obama Hate American Workers?
We do something he abhors and has never done himself - work.
Have a happy weekend!
They called themselves "hamsters" because they want to appear more intelligent than they really are!
Bastiatarian is brilliant; I often wish that name meant he was Armenian (ian) but I know that's not the case; at least I don't think so!
Ya, Bd...we hate the middle class, the poor, the elderly... :-)
you know Bd actually DOES think that, don't you.
"The rumor of conservative hideousness is greatly exaggerated" :-) I'll add to the Twain quote..."...not even close!"
I never said "if government doesn't do it, it won't get done." That's your typical righty spin like calling all liberals anti-American.
And I never said;"I don't mind if my 12 year old grand daughter has to quit school and work in sweat shops"
So sad, dude.
>And I never said;"I don't mind if my 12 year old grand daughter has to quit school and work in sweat shops"
Here's a cut-and-paste:
Bd said...
Yeah, get rid of unions, I don't mind if my 12 year old grand daughter has to quit school and work in sweat shops.
9/8/11 7:39 AM
>I often wish that name meant he was Armenian (ian) but I know that's not the case; at least I don't think so!
No, sorry, Z. My ancestry is predominantly Swedish/Danish/English.
(And thanks for the (very undeserved) compliment. Bd and his/her ilk serve up meatball pitches so consistently that it's pretty easy to drive the ball deep.)
Well, thanks for the notoriety, SilverFiddle. What I said is certainly true of doctrinaire liberals. Unfortunately, it's equally true of fanatics, zealots, and fundamentalists -- i.e. power-mad extremists -- of nearly every stripe -- even many who rather comically identify themselves as "Christians."
I used to lament loudly that it was much too bad aggressive self-righteousness, and a censorious, hyper-judgmental attitude weren't categorized as the First and Foremost of all the Deadly Sins. And then one day a friend of longstanding, who has always been a great deal wiser than I, reminded me that what I so strenuously object to is already covered under the heading of PRIDE -- which is, indeed, listed as the first of the Seven Deadly Sins.
It's comforting, but also humbling to be made to realize you have been right all along, but didn't have enough sense to know it.
I wonder how many of us furiously fight battles that don't need to be fought like that, because we're ignorant, ill-informed or just plain blind to obvious truths?
My father was fond of quoting "The sober second thought is seldom wrong." I don't know where he got that. I've never heard anyone else use that exact phrase, but I think it's good advice.
~ FreeThinke
Bd: You sure did say it, and I clarify that it is probably a poor attempt at sarcasm on your part.
So, the so dad, dude... is on you.
And you do proceed from the premise that if government doesn't do it, it won't get done. That is the progressive statist premise.
So if someone wants to stop the federal government from funding school lunches (never even hinted at in the constitution), you immediately proceed to the absurd conclusion that conservatives want to starve schoolchildren, ignoring the fact that they could be fed by the state, the county, a private entity or *gasp* and horrors! their own damned parents!
Did you ever ask your mom for a better way to degrade Reagan?
Hamsters defending their communists is always worth a laugh or two...
Yeah, from the Libertarians riding the short bus.
Work on your material.
I'll tell you guys what is really sad: The freakin' Constitution does not explicitly lay out every possible thing congress can raise taxes for or spends on. It does not explicitly list every single thing the government has and will ever do.
Why are you soooooooooo ignorant of what our freakin' constitution even is???
Do you think school lunches would be unconstitutional? Really? Because you'd then be in a freak minority of constitutionally illiterate rightwing fringers. It is NOT unconstitutional because freakin' "school lunches" does not specifically appear in a the text of the constitution.
Please GOD, everyone here tell me that none of you are not that stupid.
Jersey and Ducky and Bd, why are you afraid of liberty and people determining themselves what to do with their own property?
Don't be so insecure.
Because "liberty" is a cheap cop-out used by the fringe right to mask their shallowness and irrational support of a kapitalist power structure that is not compatible with democracy.
Because the distribution of wealth under the current system is so inequitable that it will generate social instability and a weakened nation.
Because people who "know what to do with their property" generally only know what temporary itch they want scratched and will go into unsustainable debt to scratch it and ignore the future.
Because it freaking pisses me off that some little right wing snot thinks he has standing to tell me what freedom means to me when there is no reason to believe the right wing slug has ever experienced it.
“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” -- James Madison
You're the ignorant one, Jersey.
The man who wrote the constitution can't find school lunches (or any other "benevolent expenditures") in it, but you can.
Why not just wad it up and throw it away?
Why not have government buy a gun for every citizen?
See where this leads, Jersey? 15 trillion in the hole and the progressive statists of all parties haven't learned a damned thing.
You are so much easier to deal with when your unwashed Marxist side is exposed.
Yes, it's hell allowing those damned, contemptible people to enjoy their liberty and to dispose of their lives and their property as they see fit!
Dammit to hell! How dare we presume to chart the course of our lives while turning a deaf ear to our progressive overlords?!
"Distribution of wealth?" That cracks me up.
Who distributes it? Who owns it? Who's entitled to it? How much? How do you divide it? Who decides?
Where is this socialist utopia you dream of, and what would it look like?
This comment has been removed by the author.
>Because "liberty" is a cheap cop-out
Hating slavery is a cop-out? Yeah, that makes sense...if you're a slave owner...
>mask their shallowness
Like all them dimwitted fellas like Tommy Jefferson and Jimmy Madison.
>and irrational support of a kapitalist power structure that is not compatible with democracy.
I've never even implied support of a capitalist "power structure," but it's certainly better than a totalitarian collectivist power structure.
Capitalism is indeed incompatible with democracy in many ways, but that's okay, since democracy is essentially incompatible with liberty and fundamental human rights.
>Because the distribution of wealth under the current system is so inequitable
Ah, yes. The looter mentality. Nice. "I ain't gots me one, so I'm taking one o' yers!"
>that it will generate social instability and a weakened nation.
Slavery is stable, I'll give you that. Grownups prefer the liberty, even with the risks.
>Because people who "know what to do with their property" blah, blah, blah
And you are some sort of deity who knows better and has a divine right to confiscate the product of those people's liberty and life. In other words, you have a divine right to be a slave owner.
>some little right wing snot
Okay, you got me there. I'm not very big. You'd have to define "right wing" (since it's one of those words that gets thrown around without definition). A snot? Only when I'm playing with intellectually slothful wackos.
>thinks he has standing to tell me what freedom means to me
Oh, I would never presume to think that freedom means anything to you at all. At least not anything positive, anyway.
>when there is no reason to believe the right wing slug has ever experienced it.
Not nearly to the degree to which I would like, nor to the degree to which God, reason, and the Founders intended, I'll give you that. Unlike you, however, I am not actively working to deny others their right to liberty.
Any more emotional blabbering you want to spew, little lady?
>Where is this socialist utopia you dream of, and what would it look like?
North Korea. Nobody has to worry about scary old liberty there. And there's equality. Everybody's life sucks. Except for Ducky's idols who get to control it all, of course.
Well, Bastiatarian, if there's a snot around here, I'm sureI know who the snot is, and it snot you.
~ Free Thinke
"Did I cover everything?"
Nicely said Bastiatarian, but you did forget to mention the weekly cheques from big oil.
liberals, particularly the more stupid ones like bd are convinced that we're all employed by big oil and we all have oil pipelines running under our back yards and our gas is pumped from them into our 10-ton SUVs by the small brown children slaves we all have chained in our back yards.
"I get my exercise in the morning by clubbing baby seals then burning them on a pile of street bums...."
Hey me too, though i don't burn them on street bums, just on the barbecue, baby seals are full of protein you know, they're the red meat of the sea. *cruel laughter*
North Korea? Are you so short bus stupid that you think that's anyone's model?
Absolute hyperbole. Did you cover everything? Well as soon as you mentioned looters we know where this is coming from. It's really sad.
MK: I thought it wasn't BBQ, but "barbie" down under...
Ducky: So what is your model then?
>Are you so short bus stupid that you think that's anyone's model?
Yes, Shrieky, yes I am. I am stupid enough to see the obvious evidence of history that the ultimate result of the tragically misnamed "progressivism" and every other type of totalitarian collectivism, unless it is overturned, is always slavery and tyranny and poverty. The supporters of such systems always deny their support of the ugly results, of course. You have the agency to choose what you do/support, but when you do, you always choose the natural consequences. In other words, when you choose totalitarian collectivism, you choose North Korea. Or the Soviet Union. Or Cuba. Or Venezuela. Or Pol Pot. Or Mao. Or...well, just about every murderous tyranny or tyrant of the last century has been founded on some form of totalitarian collectivism, so the list can go on and on. You must be so proud of your heroes, Shrieky.
Extra credit project: Provide a list of tyrannies and tyrants that were founded on a firm adherence to protection of the right of every individual to his or her life, liberty, and property.
>Absolute hyperbole.
Hey, that was pretty good! Using hyperbole ("Absolute") in an accusation of hyberbole. I award you one point.
>Did you cover everything?
No, but it was a decent general treatment. It was all I could do in the allotted 30 seconds.
>as soon as you mentioned looters we know where this is coming from.
Yes we do. Even a lemur would be able to see that it comes from keen observation of the tendency toward larceny and the lust for power over others that is inherent to the totalitarian collectivist mindset, something that you have so generously and abundantly displayed.
>It's really sad.
Yes, yes it is. But if you get help now, you may still be able to live a somewhat useful and fulfilling life. Hang in there!
Did you talk to your mom? Or are you avoiding her because she wants you to look for a job?
>but you did forget to mention the weekly cheques from big oil.
Oh, my payments all go through Halliburton. And the checks are all written on the skin of polar bears that died from global warming that I caused.
"MK: I thought it wasn't BBQ, but "barbie" down under..."
Yeah it is but i wasn't sure you guys would know, i didn't want you guys thinking i'm gay or something. :) ducky might hit on me. *shudder*
"Oh, my payments all go through Halliburton."
Ah ok, signed by Dick Cheney no doubt. Nice touch.
Settle down bd, he's not in charge anymore, so you don't have to live in fear of Christians kicking your door down while your boyfriend is rogering you. lol
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