Stand with the heroes, Fight the zeros!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Is Sexting Cheating?

Hell yes it is!

Congressman WeenerTweeter is a despicable scumbag.  Not for his sexual deviancy, but for the betrayal of his wife's trust, and for using his fame to get his rocks off.

Also of note, the fall of this liberal loudmouth shows that if you scratch the surface of a bully and push him to the wall, there is a simpering coward underneath.

I heard someone observe that this is the first politician who got in trouble for having a love affair with himself spill out into the open, which is true.  If you're having sex with a computer, you're infatuated with yourself.  Everyone else is just a prop or an audience.
I am not writing this to pile on or celebrate the astonishingly rapid descent of yet another overinflated DC ego.

I am pushing back against the notion that sexting is not cheating.  It is.  It is a breach of trust.  When you take those vows, you swear to forsake all others and put your spouse first in your life, ahead of even the flesh and blood that spawned and raised you.  Sharing intimacies with others is a fundamental violation of those vows.

Weiner blew it, and he did it publicly, striking another blow against traditional morality.  He's a disgusting pig and he needs to get off the public stage and move on to a cable TV show like Client #9 and other unrepentant moral reprobates.

I heard someone on the radio chalk this up to fame, easy access, high testosterone, and the overabundance of hubris that almost always accompanies a national politician.  I get it, but we're not animals who's reactions are determined by instinct.  Between stimulus and response is a thinking, reasoning brain.  People who brazenly act like instinct-drive baboons do not belong in pubic office.

Anthony Weiner has polluted the public square, and his refusal to retreat from it just reinforces how shameless and arrogant he really is.  When news of a certain person comes on the radio or TV and you have to change the station to protect the innocence of your children, that's a sure sign that said person no longer belongs in our government.


Always On Watch said...

Weiner was doing a lot more than flirting with his Tweets (Hate that word!).

People who brazenly act like instinct-drive baboons do not belong in pubic office.


I also have to wonder just how vulnerable Weiner might have been to blackmail. Could he have jeopardized our national security? Very possibly.

Always On Watch said...

And lying is fine and dandy, too. Pfffft.

Jack Camwell said...

Yes, sexting is cheating. It would be no different that if you called the chick up and started talking dirty to her.

If a person interacting with another human being for the expressed purpose of receiving some sort of sexual satisfaction, then that is most certainly cheating on one's spouse.

Lisa said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Lisa said...

what makes me so against this guy is his big obnoxious mouth. You know those who live in glass houses.
The liberal blogs are calling those on the right who obect to this as being hypocritcal but we all know it's the other way around.
What do we expect from a party who accepts what their role model Bill Clinton did?
I guess to them for a democrat its' excusable because they have no "family values

Pressie said...

Two words: David Vitter.


Silverfiddle said...

Jersey: That's all? How about Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton, and the rest of the long list.

You're trying to turn this into a "your guy is as bad as my guy," and that's not the point of this post.

Vitter's case was a clear case of adultery, no one disputed that. This case has the population split, with many saying on-line dalliances are not a violation of wedding vows. I say they are.

So come up with something more useful that this tit for tat bs.

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

I agree Silver but would add "sexting" goes beyond marriage or politics namely to our youth which is where the term was born.

It is just wrong period no matter how one wishes to slice it.

Z said...

this certainly is a TOTAL violation of wedding vows, was Vitter. SO what, right?
Vitter was reelected; maybe the people didn't believe the prostitutes? ...Weiner would probably be reelected, too, but for photos which are difficult to deny.
I think we've come to that in this country and THAT is sad.

I think stories like this bring us down and lower our culture more and more; for that, it's unforgivable; that's a breach of TRUST with US.

conservativesonfire said...

That he can't even recognize that he should resign immediately says volumes. The man is a pig and I feel sorry for his wife, who for him was probably nothing more than a trophy.

Lady Malfoy said...

When we have Liberal's posting comments like this one. It tells us that something in America is awfully wrong

Fond on a Liberal Blog today....

"I like Weiner and I'm gonna support him. I say let his constituents decide whether he resigns or not, he represents them. This story is the rethugs wet dream come true. The country is focused on Weiners weiner instead of the do-nothing hypocrite GOP."

Hoz that for a brainless Neanderthal

Most Rev. Gregori said...

The Weiner is from my State, but thankGod not from my district. What I find so upsetting is the fact that like Barney Frank, so many of Weiner's constituents will keep re-electing his sorry butt over and over again. That speaks volumes about those he represents. This is why America is in so much trouble today. The individual and national morals or so far down the ol' crapper, I doubt they could ever get out again.

To make things worse, it was announced on our local news last night that the New York State Legislature WILL legalize same-sex marriages in this State by next year. So my state will now join the depraved.

Jack Camwell said...

What is depraved about letting two people who love each other legally commit to be together for the rest of their lives?

If God's love was only meant to be experienced within the bounds of heterosexual marriage then that's a pretty narrow perspective on love, I think.

Isn't the purpose of human sexuality a way to understand the way God feels about us? That he's constantly pursuing us? (No, I'm not suggesting God wants to have sex with us).

You might think homosexuality is gross, but that doesn't make it immoral.

Anonymous said...

What bothers me most is the arrant STUPIDITY of this loud, belligerent, self-righteous, hyper-aggressive, overly cocky bantam rooster -- and so many others in prominent positions of trust -- to believe, even for a nanosecond, that they can get away with this kind of stuff in the Digital Age, where privacy doesn't exist and where everyone is lying in wait ready to pounce on anyone they can get the goods on.

This so-called Social Media has encouraged the worst aspects of human nature to blossom forth and made it possible to spread the indulgence of our basest instincts worldwide. Ergo, we have become a heartless, conscienceless PREDATORY culture that is busily tearing itself to shreds.

It's the New Coliseum, and it's every bit as disgusting and discouraging as its predecessor.

By the way, we'd do well to remember that by all reports Ben Franklin was a rogue and a rascal too when it came to indulging his sexual proclivities, but that never stopped him from being a great man. You ladies might not have wanted old Ben for a husband, but as a thinker and man of great accomplishment with a rare degree of savoir faire, great wit, boundless creativity and ingenuity he's still hard to beat.

Anthony Weiner has never had anything to recommend him other than a big mouth and an even bigger nose. Odd that no one has yet mentioned that his middle name must be Pinocchio, isn't it? ;-)

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

What bothers me most is the arrant STUPIDITY of this loud, belligerent, self-righteous, hyper-aggressive, overly cocky bantam rooster -- and so many others in prominent positions of trust -- to believe, even for a nanosecond, that they can get away with this kind of stuff in the Digital Age, where privacy doesn't exist and where everyone is lying in wait ready to pounce on anyone they can get the goods on.

This so-called Social Media has encouraged the worst aspects of human nature to blossom forth and made it possible to spread the indulgence of our basest instincts worldwide. Ergo, we have become a heartless, conscienceless PREDATORY culture that is busily tearing itself to shreds.

It's the New Coliseum, and it's every bit as disgusting and discouraging as its predecessor.

By the way, we'd do well to remember that by all reports Ben Franklin was a rogue and a rascal too when it came to indulging his sexual proclivities, but that never stopped him from being a great man. You ladies might not have wanted old Ben for a husband, but as a thinker and man of great accomplishment with a rare degree of savoir faire, great wit, boundless creativity and ingenuity he's still hard to beat.

Anthony Weiner has never had anything to recommend him other than a big mouth and an even bigger nose. Odd that no one has yet mentioned that his middle name must be Pinocchio, isn't it? ;-)

~ FreeThinke

Jersey McJones said...

"Sharing intimacies with others is a fundamental violation of those vows."

Exactly. That's all need be said. Yes, Weiner cheated on his wife.


Mark Adams said...

Of course it is. No different then Bill's in person encounter or over the net.

News flash, Wieners wife is expecting... MAN he is getting a lot of use of that Wien.... No, forget it, I won't go there. :)

Finntann said...

Both SF and Jersey (in his second comment) make valid points. The issue is how his poor judgement and apparent inability to abide by a commitment affect his ability or qualifications to exercise a leadership position in a representative government.

Television, the internet, and electronic media have become the proverbial backyard fence we are gossiping over. We would be better served by debate over the substantive matters of the event than gleefully racing to see who could be the first to get a picture of Weiner's weiner online. The coverage I've seen so far has been ridiculous bordering on the absurd.

Watching his news conference, I couldn't help but think he was more upset and embarrased at getting caught than at what he did...that and the thought that "Weiner limp after public exposure" would be the perfect headline.


Bunkerville said...

He also used the phone that no one seems to want to talk about. Much more intense in my mind as far as bad behavior.

Anonymous said...

Aren't we, as Christians, supposed to believe that even thinking about a person with "lust in your heart" is the moral equivalent of actually having sex with that person, and therefore, deserves as much condemnation as an act of physical adultery?

By that rigorous, unattainable standard I'm reasonably certain there is no one on earth who hasn't been guilty of "cheating" on his or her spouse. If "acting out" a fantasy is no worse than merely daydreaming about it, why not go all the way and really enjoy yourself -- especially if the penalty is gong to be the same either way?

This cocky little rooster went half way not all the way. I think he's an arrogant, stupid, obnoxious little loudmouth who has shown incredibly poor judgment. I wouldn't want him as my congressman, but at the same time I think the country is spending far too much time on this trivial individual and his even-more-trivial sexcapades.

We're fighting an endless, unwinnable war in the Middle East with no clear objective in mind, there are serious economic and social problems to deal with -- i.e. we're BROKE, and yet we continue to spend, spend, spend.

It's often been said, "Don't interfere when your enemy is in the process of destroying himself." With that in mind the less ranting and raving we do about Anthony Weiner the better off we're apt to be from a political standpoint.

I've never forgotten how the Monica Lewinsky Fandango not only failed to dislodge Filthy Klintoon, it also backfired badly on the Republican Party, and turned Klintoon into a Folk Hero. Please let's not fall into the same trap all over again.

~ FreeThinke

MK said...

"He's a disgusting pig and he needs to get off the public stage and move on to a cable TV show like Client #9 and other unrepentant moral reprobates."

I believe he took full responsibility which one would think means he will piss off and never come back.

But apparently to liberals that means, take as little actual responsibility as possible and try to hang on to the taxpayers teat until the heat dies down or some other liberal is exposed for being a lying scumbag.

John Carey said...

The truth is many do not believe sexting is cheating and this is why so many are treating this like nothing more than a mistake. We as a nation are losing the moral high ground with each day he stays in office. He must go and go now.

Z said...

I just saw some guys on RED EYE say that Weiner's actions weren't so bad....'he did nothing wrong'...I guess MARRIED doesn't count anymore...or MORALITY?

SF...I posted a Mark O'Connor video today..I hope you like it.

Also, I just finished Viktor Frankl's book MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING and saw your "What is the meaning of your life? under your profile. Fabulous book, really insightful.

Silverfiddle said...

I'll check out the video.

I Read Man's Search for Meaning at least once a year. It is an incredible book.

Anonymous said...

Weiner has always acted the obnoxious cockalorum long before this "sex" scandal came out. His general attitude, and of course his political positions, stink to high heaven. He has a particularly odious personality -- strident, twerpy, hysterical, self-important and unmanly -- BUT -- as I said above -- I think from a tactical standpoint it's foolish of us on the right to dwell on his "recreational" proclivities.

He married a Muslim girl young enough to be his daughter. That in itself shows poor taste and worse judgment, but again if his wife -- whom many have claimed was a "body woman" for Her Royal Heinous, Hillary Klintoon, whatever that crude-sounding term may mean -- if his wife has no objection to this cocky little rooster's behavior, why should we?

Sorry not to run with the pack on this, but such things are really no one's business but that of the parties directly involved. And if New York wants to keep the little shit in office, there's nothing we can -- or should -- do to stop his staying there and getting re-elected. Freedom of Choice is what America is supposed to be all about.

Acting like Mrs. Grundy, by getting all self-righteous and huffy puffy about some poor fool's fall from grace reflects poorly on us -- and we will pay for it on election day once again.

I have no use for Anthony Weiner, but I have even less use for indulging in a public display of Schadenfreude.

~ FreeThinke

Rob said...

Taking a step back from this specific instance, it's worth noting once again, that cell phones are rapidly becoming an addiction that rivals consumable substances.

Cell phones are the devil.

Subtly but increasingly, they leach the independence, rationale, and common-sense right out of most users. And they're quite often totally unnecessary. Don't even get me started on the absurd topic of children and cell phones!

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