"Over the last week it was apparent that neither the demonstrators nor the city could maintain safe or sanitary conditions, or control the ongoing vandalism," Oakland Mayor Jean Quan said in a statement. (Alertnet)It was bound to happen…
Fights Erupt Among OWS Protesters
Rapes and assaults among the squatting socialists have overtaken loud drumming and gender inequality as the primary concern at Occupy Wall Street. Solidarity for solidarity’s sake ain’t workin’ out so well.
Defecators, urinaters and masturbators shut down Occupy Madison…
A neighboring hotel's staff alleged voiced concerns about having to recently escort hotel employees to and from bus stops late at night due to inappropriate behavior, such as public masturbation, from street protesters. (Cardinal)Hell’s Kitchen
Liberal propaganda outlets deny it, but the kitchen staff at the squalid Wall Street camp is fed up with the moochers. The NY Post has direct quotes from some of the “Hell’s Kitchen” workers:
“We need to limit the amount of food we’re putting out” to curb the influx of derelicts, said Rafael Moreno, a kitchen volunteer. A security volunteer added that the cooks felt “overworked and underappreciated.” (NY Post)Welcome to the 53%, you drumming dummies!
These unwashed Marxists and academia agitators are learning what responsible people who live in the real world already know: Open the door to bums, deviants and freeloaders, and soon the responsible working people will tire of carrying everyone else. An old lady way back when called this phenomenon, Atlas Shrugging, I think…
When you hoist the freak flag, don’t be surprised when the freaks show up
They are also seeing the downside of fluffing your ranks with false solidarity. Letting in anyone and everyone has its disadvantages. We’re not all good people. There are murderers, rapists and generally bad people among us, and any group must police its own ranks if it wants to maintain its legitimacy and safety.
This is why the tea partiers have not joined the anti-capitalist unwashed rabble collectively known as OWA.
You drumming dummies. Ah, now we are down to your preferred mode of discourse.
It isn't surprising that the Oakland mayor is trying to recover after she let loose the brownshirts. A proud moment for the pigs.
Well, there have been some incidents with the homeless here at #OccupyBoston. Nothing that hasn't been managed and no injuries.
We have been pretty successful feeding folks. And unlike yourself, I have been working at an Occupy site so I have direct knowledge.
Yes, the homeless can be a chore but we feed them.
I imagine your Calvinist gutter religion teaches you to turn them away and categorize them as inferior.
Well this may not go away. We'll see, I ran out to #OccupyWorcester with clothing and supplies and despite getting over a foot of snow they are staying.
So it goes on. We are not all good people. Hey, no crap. Some of us are thieves, some of us are mercenaries and some of us are Oakland cops. But we knew that going in.
Welcome to the great hurly burly of life Randoids. Try to build a world view big enough to hold it.
Here's why I think OWS is stupid.
How are they going to get the greedy "evil" corporations to change their ways when just about everyone at these protests use the many products and creature comforts that these corporations produce?
They're under some sad delusion that the people in governemtn actually want things to change. How many US Congressmen and women fall into the so called "99%"? And how many of them come from family wealth?
Most of them obtained their wealth, and gain more wealth, the same way that the evil corporation CEOs do.
Democrats talk about reforming Wall Street and putting more regulations on the financial industry, but how many of them actually mean it?
They had both houses AND the White House controlled for two years, so where was all the reform they were supposed to bring? Why are they starting to get on the band wagon now, when they know that they don't have control?
My theory, and this is just speculation, is that the Democrats don't really want change. If they did, they would have done it, or at leat made a more concerted effort, when they had control of the government. My guess is that only now do they make such a big stink about everything because they know that the Republicans will never go for it.
Instead of actually having to make changes, they get to talk a big game, blame the opposition for blocking them, and everything stays the same.
It's a win-win for them.
Give occupy some cred here. For a group to stay together while having no coherent message while 2.9 inches of rainy snow fall in above freezing temperatures is amazing. The problem will be when the La Nina amplified winter sets in and similar conditions occur in sub-zero wind chills for days.
Already private organizations are cutting back on donations to OWS. I fear there will be many who freeze to death when winter sets in. None of us want that.
OWS will never resonate with the core of America until they come up with a coherent message. Note that the tea parties (plural) have stayed away from divisive ("wedge") issues and remains focused on purely economic issues. (no, Glenn Beck does not speak for the tea party movement).
Tea party supporters like myself oppose the Fed just as strongly as OWS. The 64 quadrillion question is what is the next move of OWS? What is your plan for monetary policy after we do away with the Fed? What is your plan for making a case to the vast majority of American people that you have answers? Rather than gathering and protesting anything and everything, we are now sharing our ideas and showing Americans that we are them. We are showing people that our vision of the future is their vision of the future.
The BHO debacle has awakened middle America. No longer will the people accept empty promises lacking a vision of the future and a plan on how to get there. I'm afraid OWS is living in 2008 while now is 2011. OWS has 2 choices: choice one is continuing down the current path which will lead nowhere. The other is unveiling a vision for the future. How will you change wall street? How will you end the Federal Reserve while preventing economic collapse? How will OWS allow every day Americans to build a future?
I hurled no insults here. I did not question the motives of OWS. So far, no one from OWS has been able to respond to such questions without hurling such insults. Rather than focusing on what OWS is doing wrong, tell me what OWS is doing right. Tell me about a future where OWS achieves it's goals.
Democrats talk about reforming Wall Street and putting more regulations on the financial industry, but how many of them actually mean it?
None. That's the point. Take a look at the recent failure of MF Global with ex Dem stooge Jon Corzine at the helm. "Hundreds of millions of customer funds unaccounted ..." And we haven't figured out the score yet?
We have a failed political system and Occupy is trying to focus on that issue.
What do we do about this mess? Talk about the 9-9-9 plan and whether or not Herman is a perv?
Maybe come up with some cutesy idea like the 52%, a bunch of stone fools who don't realize that when the upper 1% has it all they may not leave these clowns a Walmart greeter position.
Take a look at how workers at Whirlpool were treated last week. I know, didn't happen to you so you don't freaking care, you're still part of the 52% for now.
We are a sorry freaking people.
If conservatives could just pull the giant stick out of their ass maybe they'd be more sympathetic to the OWS. Sure, kids misbehave! It's normal. The weirdo closet-fag conservatives are not exemplars of normality just because they believe style is more important than substance. They just have giant sticks up their asses.
Again, what would you do differently?
Again, can we please lose the juvenile name calling which achieves nothing and let's lay out solutions.
I hate that a great American company like whirlpool is losing money hand over fist. I don't want anyone to lose their jobs. You say I don't care, yet I care enough to try to engage you in a solution oriented conversation despite your insults. Do you have any ideas? Any solutions? You can bash someone else's plan all you like. Can you explain why the either hidden or nonexistent OWS plan is better? You listed what everyone else is doing wrong. My question was and is: What is your plan and why is it better?
I can lay out all positives and negatives of 999 because I can read it on that candidate's website. This is not about 999. This is about your plan. I cant grasp the OWS plan because for whatever reason, it is hidden from public view.
So, would you explain the OWS plan in an insult free manor, so everyone can understand it?
At Mr. Jersey, instead of worrying about the stick in my rectal orifice, maybe the telephone pole in yours needs more attention...and by the way, going around telling people they have sticks up their rears is not the best way to garner sympathy or support. I can play the hurl insults game with the best of them. I can also lay out solutions in a positive way without needlessly attacking others who feel differently.
So what are the goals and future when OWS achieves whatever it's goals are?
You said:
"It isn't surprising that the Oakland mayor is trying to recover after she let loose the brownshirts. A proud moment for the pigs."
If you throw rocks and other items at the "pigs", you're gonna get bit. If you lay a hand on me, or on many of us, we are going to hurt your feelings. You are easily the weakest of the weak, and it is only by my grace that you are allowed to voice your opinions.
The Oakland Police did their job. The Oakland filth played their roles and got smacked down.
Who started it? The real question is who finished it.
Weak. So, so weak. A liberal man is just a woman with a penis. Case in point...
you can't convinse a shmuck like ducky of anything that makes sense.
You said:
"The weirdo closet-fag conservatives are not exemplars of normality just because they believe style is more important than substance. They just have giant sticks up their asses."
Now you and all of us know that if a Conservative said that, we would be vilified as homophobes.
Double-standard, much? I reckon this kind of talk is acceptable within liberalism since, well, you know...(wink-wink, nudge, nudge)
If I were a woman, I'd be p-o-ed about the weak liberal man comment, but not for the reason you think. Most women I know are not nearly so weak. Men and women each have their strengths which compliment each other. We have quite a few women in my area who are among the best tea party organizers in the country. Look at Jan Brewer who stood up to BHO's thug tactics on the border issue. Yet, all the women I am referring to are married and have very supportive husbands. One of the goals of those who want to destroy us from within is to "neuter" American men thereby destroying the American family. For those of us who are men, we must stop this from happening to ourselves. For those who are women, you must not let this happen to the men in your life and at the same time this does not mean going back to an age where women couldn't vote, have a good job or own property. Men have testosterone for a reason. It is the same reason women have estrogen. We were MADE that way for a reason!
@Ducky: it appears as though you are out of your league here as the people who debate here talk about issues and solutions to problems for which you have none to offer.
@Jmj: I have found that it is the one who brings up the subject of odd rectal insertion that is practicing "closet faggery" as you say. Then to top it off, you who offers no solutions to the issues that you are protesting call us who discuss solutions daily "all style and no substance"...which is just like someone running for President offering "hope and change" as solutions running for elected office.
You have both proved that everything Western Hero said here is true. I gave both of you opportunities to act like adults. Instead you acted just like everyone else supporting OWS...just another deer in the headlights...
But, don't you all remember so well when ONE jerk with a racist sign at one Tea Party event showed up (nobody still knows whether that was a plant or not, by the way) and the media/leftwingers went WILD saying "Look at that horrible thing...if the the Tea Partiers don't agree with that, why didn't they police themselves and get rid of the guy?" That was said countless times.
And imagine if ONE TP attendee had an anti semitic sentiment, like the signs the OWS people are carrying and chanting? Many of the OWS people are filthy, hungry...some are raping, relieving themselves on cop cars and private doorways, encroaching illegally in various parks, not getting charged (like the TPers were) and the media's practically silent except in their amazing admiration for their cause? wow
Nice speech. But you failed to make a relevant point in reference to my weak liberal man comment.
I have yet to meet a liberal man who acted like a man, spoke like a man, and carried himself/herself like a man. I've seen more manliness at lesbian conventions.
However, to each their own, I reckon. While liberal "men" whine and complain and act like chicks, those of us who are Conservative men will make sure the liberal "men" have the freedom to act like they do.
My point was that when men act that way, that it is an act. I have a relative who you would swear was 500% homo, yet he is married and raised 2 beautiful daughters. He is proof that homo or hetero is nothing more than a lifestyle choice. Period! (did that clear up your question)
All I'm saying is instead of arguing over style, argue over the substance.
OWS wants a few basic things: For human beings to be recognized as human beings and not corporations as human beings. To get the corporate money out of politics. To bring fairness back to the tax and regulatory codes. To rein in the unholy alliance of the MIC/Wall Street/and Washington DC. End "Free Trade." Etc.
This is nothing new. People have been arguing this for years - and tarred as "communists," and "socialists," and "crazy liberal tree-huggers," and so forth. But one the issues, these are actually mainstream positions and desires.
Most people want to end the military empire. They want fair trade and taxes. They want regulations to ensure our safety. They want a social safety net. They want quality healthcare and education. And more.
These are crazies or fringers. These are common Americans.
The OWS people may be young and all that goes with that (I was wilder than any of them when I was young!), but their cause is just and most people would agree with it, if they just listen with an open mind.
Of course, I don;t expect modern American Conservatives to agree with them. These days, our Conservatives are just sycophants of the wealthy and powerful.
z, you should attend #OccupyWorcester "Marry a Corporation Day".
Proper attire required.
It will be held on the steps of city hall. See that's the thing about the left, at least they have a sense of humor.
However, we do apologize that everything isn't neat and tidy but we live in the 99% of the world that isn't neat and tidy. I swear, some of these homeless do need a good bathing. I bet they'd cause The Ladies Who Lunch to blow their crème fraiche.
Damn, first we find out Herman's a perv and now this ...
Mitt Romney, his son Tagg, and Romney’s chief fundraiser, Spencer Zwick, have extensive financial and political ties to three men who allegedly participated in an $8.5 billion Ponzi scheme. A few months after the Ponzi scheme collapsed, a firm financed by Mitt Romney and run by his son and chief fundraiser partnered with the three men and created a new “wealth management business” as a subsidiary.
In an exclusive interview with ThinkProgress, Tagg Romney confirmed their business relationship, but falsely claimed that the men were cleared of any wrongdoing associated with the Ponzi scheme. Tagg Romney told ThinkProgress that his three partners collected about $15,000 from their involvement in the Ponzi scheme. Court documents obtained by ThinkProgress show that the legal proceedings are ongoing and the men made over $1.6 million selling fraudulent CDs to investors."
What next, Perry makes a speech in New Hampshire and sounds like he's on dope?
The Republican field is finished. Wish the Dems were too.
You said:
"These days, our Conservatives are just sycophants of the wealthy and powerful."
LOL! That was brilliant! You really stuck it to 'em!
Allow me to retort:
Our Liberals are just puppets of the Nazi Party, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party and also live in an America-hating fog of class warfare, race-baiting, and general wussiness that is better suited for Oprah than for national affairs.
Hugs and kisses!
See you in 2012, when your Dear Leader has his butt handed to him.
@ecc102 - I have yet to meet a liberal man who acted like a man, spoke like a man, and carried himself/herself like a man. I've seen more manliness at lesbian conventions.
You've let in the hoi-polloi, Silverfiddle.
To both of you, first, thank you for not hurling the insults. Now, you keep equating "conservative" with "rich". I'm not sure who is telling you this but the super rich are overwhelmingly liberal. The rich overwhelmingly supported BHO in the last presidential (s)election. The wealthiest 1% are liberal because socialism protects the rich while it destroys the middle class which is the bridge between those who are rich and those who want to be rich.
Again, I am asking for specifics. You have adeptly pointed out problems. What methods would you use to solve those problems. If President Duck or President Jersey were faced with those problems, what would the President do to solve those problems? The question is not point out the problems. The question is, as it has been from my first comment, how will you solve those problems. I.E. I wake up one morning and realize I am hungry. My solution is to open the fridge, make something to eat and eat it, not go sit in my neighbors yard and protest. Solutions require people actually taking action. What actions would you take to fix the problems you are pointing out? What are your solutions? What are the solutions of OWS? Forget ideologies. Forget left, right, center, republican, democrat or any other means of division and lay out ways of solving problems. Isnt the point of posting here getting people to listen to your ideas? You have someone asking to hear your solutions over and over and not one solution is on the table. Do you have solutions to the issues you are unhappy about? What are they? How will we implement those ideas? These are the questions that OWS will have to answer in order to become a viable alternative to the tea party because within the tea party, such questions and solutions are being discussed vigorously and there are no solutions being offered by anyone else. You may not agree with a single idea being discussed, but unless you offer specifics of your own, America will tune you out, turn you off and those who are with you will drop out of your movement. What are the OWS solutions that will fix the problems you have laid out? So far, not one OWS supporter has been able to give me a coherent answer to this most basic question. I'm becoming convinced that either there are none, or those with the answers don't want to share them. Prove me wrong!
Step one: Get the money out of the system.
The 1% give money to Obummer. Of course they do. They buy whomever is in power, have you been asleep?
Now it's an enormous problem since the Supreme Court is bought and paid for and we can thank Republicans for the likes of Roberts, "Tough Tony" Scalia, (Sc)Alito and don't forget Slappy Thomas. Thanks, that makes the hole almost impossibly deep.
It is absolutely necessary that we first realize the ENTIRE system s polluted, the two party system is a freaking joke and the movement of wealth to the top percent will continue.
Without a responsible investigative media it may be a lost cause and we just wait for the explosion.
>I've seen more manliness at lesbian conventions.
I would take it another step and say that I've seen more manliness in a gathering of little girls discussing "My Little Pony" while listening to Justin Bieber. And more intellectual rigor as well.
That's it? Get money out of the system? Are you going to use hooks or nets? What kind of bait....
So...while BHO passes stimulus after stimulus just like Bush before him, flooding the world with so much money that the dollar you had in Jan, 2009 is now worth $0.80, the only solution President Duck offers is "get money out of the system"?
Since you referred to a supreme court case, I am assuming you are referring to the overturning of McCain-Feingold which BHO exploited expertly to get elected in 2008. So, once the 1% becomes a BHO donor, you rush to their defense. Those are the same folks who became BHO "czars" (a way to have lobbyists in his admin without breaking a campaign promise), and you seem to be defending them despite their exporting jobs and not paying their fair share. I thought BHO was going to change all that. Instead, the 1% has gotten richer in the last 3 years than at any time in history, while more Americans are jobless, on welfare and food stamps than at any point in history. Sorry but trading paychecks for welfare checks was not the "change" people believed in and that solution is minuscule compared to the problems we face!
We are finally hearing the bad side and horrid side of the OWS protesters. I am just sorry that women are being raped and no one came to help them. I even heard about a person with downs syndrome was raped.
It's time to disperse this group and get them off the streets.
It's not worth the price some of these people have paid.
You have a situation where the American system of government is broken. Flat out broken.
Our political class is bought and paid for. There is NO WAY this can be done through elections. We are in a bind and we have to stand up and say enough.
Now given that rulings like Citizens United have given corporations carte blanche, it's a real problem.
Become aware of the problem. Abandon the Tea Party and their surrender to corporate influence. Initially it was a populist movement but allowed itself to become totally corrupted, so we have the right foisting clowns like 9-9-9, Michele "Psycho" Bachmann, Big Hair Perry and Weathervane Romney.
With the right so far gone it is easy for Obama to keep on with the same failed policies that Clinton implemented. Restore Glass-Steagle? Why would he bother. The right has gone so batshite crazy that he has virtually no opposition.
Get involved with recent history, check out deregulation starting with the subprime business at Gaurdian S&L under Saint Ronnie Raygun and sordid history as even formerly legitimate lenders went bad trying to grab subprime business.
Please do not accuse me of supporting the Black Messiah. He is human offal. I am a leftist not a liberal.
Have we learned a lesson after this clown that the whole system is maggot ridden? It's a massive problem made worse by everyone taking side thinking that makes a difference.
Tea Party Rallies: "Toothless and Stupid." Lol!
Tea parties don't have to rally. Our message is out and spreading via the Internet like wildfire. If you think it's toothless and stupid, so be it. Again you gave no specifics, only complaints about more issues. You say you are "left". The truth is that you are a communist revolutionary and don't want to admit it because Americans loathe communism. We will not accept the form of government you desire and we have the lead to back my statement up if need be. We are peaceful people. Well armed peaceful people who would fight a communist dictatorship if one attempted to overthrow our government. If you want communism, go to Greece. Go to Venezuela. America will never accept communism.
Basically, it all boils down to this:
It's easier to bitch than stitch,
It's easier to whine than mine.
It's easier to make noise than exhibit poise.
It's easier to say "I'm fucked," than to construct.
To sit in the gutter counting your woes
In shit-caked jeans with a runny nose
Ranting in puddles of frozen piss
Demonstrates only that something's amiss.
So, now that it's winter
Go shovel some snow --
...... Cheer up the aged
...... And those who are caged.
...... Some joy you might find
...... If you read to the blind.
...... Don't play the whore,
...... Instead scrub the floor
Now get up and go!
In summer, each lazy laddie
And each slothful lass
Should get off their ass
And go mow the grass.
Don't pout and make wishes
Just go wash the dishes.
If you need to find labor,
Go help your neighbor.
Demanding is easy
Producing is hard
Protests are sleazy
Thus saith The Bard.
~ FreeThinke
There's always something you can do.
Don't succumb to feeling blue.
Salvation lies through helping others
Not thinking you deserve your druthers.
Never worry. Never fear.
Just do your best to spread good cheer.
Needed work is never done
Effort's where we find our fun.
And if you're old, and stuck at home,
You can always write a poem.
~ FreeThinke
So, what is it guys, are the OWS people not manly enough, or are they misogynistic sociopaths, or are they spoiled hippies?
In every crowd of young people of any political bent at any time, I know I've seen all that. So, whatever.
The Tea Party is mostly older, Protestant, Republican, white people from Middle America. So... whatever...
It's a shame, though, that the Tea Party people can not appreciate the sentiments of the OWS people, because if they did, boy oh boy would we have a positive and powerful movement to make America a better, stronger, and smarter country.
>are the OWS people not manly enough, or are they misogynistic sociopaths, or are they spoiled hippies?
Yes, yes, and yes. And they're filthy, stinky slimeballs as well. They are, in short, the scum of the earth.
Jersey McJones said...
If conservatives could just pull the giant stick out of their ass maybe they'd be more sympathetic to the OWS. Sure, kids misbehave! It's normal. The weirdo closet-fag conservatives are not exemplars of normality just because they believe style is more important than substance. They just have giant sticks up their asses.
..or is it that bone in your head.
Rape = misbehave.
Just a little harmless fun.
Driving jackassery to a whole new level.
are the OWS people not manly enough, or are they misogynistic sociopaths, or are they spoiled hippies?
The Tea Party is mostly older, Protestant, Republican, white people from Middle America. So... whatever...
Ahh....got your Chris Matthews newsletter, I see.
Tell that to the black tea partiers in Dallas, South LA, St.Louis, etc, etc.....
No thanks. Keep your racist, misogynist rapists and your hypocritcal, adolosecent whiners.
We'll be just fine.
ecc102 said...
You said:
"It isn't surprising that the Oakland mayor is trying to recover after she let loose the brownshirts. A proud moment for the pigs."
If you throw rocks and other items at the "pigs", you're gonna get bit. If you lay a hand on me, or on many of us, we are going to hurt your feelings. You are easily the weakest of the weak, and it is only by my grace that you are allowed to voice your opinions.
The Oakland Police did their job. The Oakland filth played their roles and got smacked down.
Who started it? The real question is who finished it.
Weak. So, so weak. A liberal man is just a woman with a penis. Case in point...
Pretty obvious, isn't it?
Welcome to the great hurly burly of life Randoids. Try to build a world view big enough to hold it.
Heh.....excuse me, it's kinda hard to type laughing this hard. Quite a few of us have been to more Countries, than you have States, Mr. Globetrotter.
That's it....I'm laughing too hard.
I am a leftist not a liberal.
You're a discombobulated mish-mash of confused dorm room Marxism and Dadaist navel gazing nonsense. Grow up.
Saint Ronnie Raygun
There it is!! Never. gets. old.
@ Andrew - We have quite a few women in my area who are among the best tea party organizers in the country.
Yes, they are. In some respects, they are the driving force behind it. Hence, the libbies apoplectic fits.
Women Tea Partiers = Lefty stroke.
Black Conservatives = Lefty stroke.
Played out every day.
Most people want to end the military empire.
Yeah, I was talking to Ceasar about that just last week.
jeeezus......Get a grip.
Leticia said...
We are finally hearing the bad side and horrid side of the OWS protesters. I am just sorry that women are being raped and no one came to help them. I even heard about a person with downs syndrome was raped.
Not only that, they are actively trying to hide it. But, they're just misunderstood.
Defecators, urinaters and masturbators...
Well, isn't THAT just charming?
And Duck comes along to defend Occupy Whatever? Sheesh.
In my area the fastest growing tea party groups are in the black and jewish communities. In Palm Beach county, those are the strong liberal dem voting blocks. If dems lose my county, they lose Florida (see 2000 election). I live in the "hanging chad" county that decided the Y2K election. Getting Lt. Col West elected to district 22, traditionally the most liberal in the area was the first sign of this, but it is far from stopping there.
@98: The tea party group I have closest ties to was formed by Karen Hoffman who organized the national meeting between tea party organizers and Michael Steal (RNC) in 2010. It was among the first groups to throw its full support behind Rubio as well. We have had everyone from Cain to Rubio to Trump address DC Works For Us. Here you have a Jewish Woman active in the Jewish community here successfully organizing a tea party group in a key dem strong point within a key state for both parties. That is worth at least 20 Marxist coronaries by itself.
Personally, I'm glad OWS is there. People are getting to see the contrast between them and us in a stark way that we could never show by ourselves. People are getting to see the far left monster in all it's squalor. Now we must make the case that America's future down is at a fork in the road, where we are America's future down one path, OWS is America's future down the other.
And just to make clear in case any of you don't understand, the reason people like duck and jersey here oppose gun rights is because they don't want anyone to be able to stop their communist revolution.
Once the revolutionary views were put on the table everything else becomes obvious. They are communists. They don't want to say it, for some reason, but that is what they are. I am a libertarian. I'm not afraid to say it. Why are they afraid to? The reason they won't talk about solutions is because they know we will see exactly what they are.
>Why are they afraid to?
It's an integrity issue.
It's no more possible to be a little bit of a Marxist than it is to be just a wee but pregnant.
Once the poisonous seed of Marxian thinking has taken root and sprouted, the matter of ones being a Marxist cannot be disputed; it becomes only a matter of degree.
Long ago at Front Page Magazine a vehement poster from Southeast Asia, who had become an American citizen used DemocratsAreMarxists as his screen name.
He contended that most Americans had no idea how evil Communism really was. He had experienced it firsthand from birth and knew what he was talking about. He felt very strongly that the Democratic Party was pushing an essentially Communistic agenda that could not help but work to our detriment if we let it continue.
As Finntann has said in a sharply accusatory tone, I am, indeed, a radical extremist when it comes to preserving our territorial integrity, our lives, our property and our relatively pleasant way of life. One can't afford to be high-minded, remain aloof, and stand on principle when seriously threatened by nefarious forces and seditious ideologies.
A fellow named Marcus Tullius Cicero once said:
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Ronald Reagan said:
“No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.”
The Hegelian-Marxian Collectivist philosophy -- introduced, I suspect to combat the evils and unintended consequences of the Industrial Revolution -- erodes the foundation of our liberty, corrodes the structure of our prosperity, corrupts and perverts our sense of morality, as it weakens our will by forever sowing seeds of doubt that we deserve what is rightfully ours.
Both Communism and Islam from the fruits they have born must have been spawned by Satan, himself. No one can ever treat with the devil, and not be deceived and brought to ruin.
We are in a war -- not so much a war of armed combat, as a fight-to-the-death with oppressive, destructive ideologies.
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.”
”Moderation in war is imbecility.”
Our good-natured, easygoing, accommodating, carelessly tolerant, militantly frivolous and shallow culture will spell our Doom, unless by some miracle we can wake up to what we’ve been doing to ourselves since the Sick-sties. We’ve made friends with the Devil imagining in our super-abundant naiveté that will in him over to our way of thinking.
Sorry, but I don’t think so.
~ FreeThinke
I knew it, bunch of stinking, wanking vermin.
Sorry ducky, liberalwanker and jersey, looks like your days of masturbating in public are numbered. lol
"It's a shame, though, that the Tea Party people can not appreciate the sentiments of the OWS people....."
Oh the Tea Party Patriots fully appreciate you lot jersey, that's why they're staying as far away from you as they can. It's not just the smell that keeps them away.
I live in an area where more than half the population knew communism/fascism firsthand either in Nazi Germany, the USSR and Cuba. All one needs to do is listen to their stories and the evil of statism becomes blatantly obvious!
Isn't that charming...what about the rapists? The national Rapist union will sue you for not including them on your list of charming folks!
Sorry, but I'm sure that for every individual who defecated on a police car or jerked off in public view there are dozens of other protestors who wouldn't even dream of doing such a thing.
This movement is made up of mostly-young people who hardly know what it is they're protesting. They just don't like the status quo. Any number of participants have been briefly interviewed and asked to state their complaints and their goals. The answers have been confused, inarticulate gobbledygook for the most past.
All sorts of interlopers and hangers on have joined in the fun -- street people to get free food -- criminals who may want to pick pockets and rape silly little girls who think they're doing something "socially significant" -- aimless thrillseekers -- parlor pinks -- you name it.
The movement has the support of unionists, communists, rabble rousers, neo-Nazis, the KKK, the ACLU -- virtually every ragtag bobtail, dissident, dissolute, anti-American faction worldwide.
That so many appear to come from "good" homes (meaning "money" is significant, because it shows how effective the propaganda machine set in motion on US campuses by the Frankfurt School and further implemented and aggrandized by the Entertainment Industry and the communications media has been.
These demonstrators can't be dismissed as nothing but a bunch of filthy degenerates. Most of them are our CHILDREN who have been victimized by the same brainwashing techniques that took over and warped the mind of our dear friend Ducky probably decades ago.
It could easily have happened to any one of us who was born after 1955.
These demonstrators are not The Enemy. That dubious honor belongs to the ruthless plotters and schemers who captured and subverted their minds.
~ FreeThinke
At least the 53% have found out who the 47% who don't pay taxes are...
Oops, that can't be right. I'm so mad that person making $25,000 a year isn't going home with even less, poverty-smoverty!!!
You and the straw man, Gene. No one here defends corporations dodging taxes.
Go march on the White House and demand Obama's corporate crony crapitalists, who are funding his campaign, pay taxes just like the rest of us!
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