Stand with the heroes, Fight the zeros!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Michele Bachmann Trashed by Tabloid

I’ve never liked the pseudo-conservative HuffPo cheap imitation The Daily Squaller.  Their recent hit job on Michele Bachmann, and migraine sufferers everywhere, just reconfirms my justified bias.  

It’s founder, Schmucker Carlson, is one of those lighter than air little conservative wannabes who does damage to the conservative cause by his ineffectual defense of it and his perpetual pandering the liberal establishment.

Hanging around the periphery of big-time punditry, basking in the glow of true greats like Charles Krauthammer and George Will, Tucker is the little boy who just graduated from diapers to training pants and loudly announces to everyone, “I’m a big boy now!”  He’s an unserious schoolboy in short pants who is no conservative, and his internet site is digital toilet paper, tabloid trash.

Bachmann’s Headaches

The trashy hit piece on Michele Bachmann is full of direct quotes, so it appears factually true, but the tone of the article is prurient, using titillating phrases such as heavy pill use, stress-induced medical episodes, and mood plunges.

The article is garish sensationalism

Worse, the author is grossly ignorant, confusing headaches with migraines and calling the episodes a nervous condition.  He hints that Bachmann is crazy, unstable and hooked on pills, fulfilling every liberal fantasy that Bachmann is a rightwing Stepford Wife in the Valley of the Dolls.  It also casts migraines as a mental illness, which it is not, and characterizes her reactions to them as some kind of weakness, also untrue.

Migraines are serious business.  They strike like a bolt from the blue and can put the strongest person flat on his back.  They can also cause nausea to the point of vomiting.  Papa Silverfiddle is a strong manual laborer who worked in a factory, cleared brush and busted broncs, never prone to taking sick time.  But a migraine would flatten him.  A good friend of mine from childhood is a big strapping volunteer fireman, welder, mechanic and all around good guy, but when a migraine strikes, he’s rendered as helpless as a kitten.  If the writer could experience just one migraine episode maybe he would change his ignorant tune.

If they are as strong and as frequent as the story alleges, I think Michele Bachman’s migraines disqualify her from the presidency.  We can’t have a president flat on her back incapacitated, especially when such episodes are impossible to predict.  This is no shame to her.  It is a medical condition she has no control over.

I also think articles such as this also disqualify The Daily Caller as a serious news outlet for conservatives.

ABC News - Bachmann Headaches


Jack Camwell said...

Thomas Jefferson suffered from migraines.

Ducky's here said...

Yeah kind of a cheap shot. I think they're better off pounding on the government money her unlicensed husband is taking for running a clinic that prays gays straight. A pure con.

Plus the government money this hypocrite takes in farm subsidies.

She's a walking federal funds sink hole. As things move on and it becomes obvious just how crazy Bachmann is the migraines become moot.

Silverfiddle said...

Jack: I did not know that. The presidency was a little slower-paced back in his day. Wasn't it Madison or one of those early presidents who stood at at stand up desk to conduct his business?

I think we need to know more about the nature and frequency of her episodes. But I still maintain that the way this particular website handled this was tabloid trashy.

Silverfiddle said...

So are Bachmann and her husband doing something illegal? Yes or No.

WomanHonorThyself said...

how bout Hussein O's tourretes syndrome?..did they research that! pffft!

Lisa said...

Ditto on the Migraines.
They are vascular and My sister in law takes heart medicine for hers.
I find Advil works pretty good.

Most people don't know that they are caused by too much blood flow to the brain and I saw on TV once some migraine sufferers have a faulty heart valve that doesn't completely close allowing for more than normal blood flow and can have a procedure done to make it close.

Being I don't get them as often as I used to I haven't looked into it but for people who's life is interrupted by them it may be worth looking into. Surprised this isn't more widely known.

Bunkerville said...

Don't you know, we always eat our young. We better spiff it up because Obama is a master at the politcal game. He has the sharks out there waiting for the kill. We don't need to do it to ourselves.

conservativesonfire said...

"...his internet site is digital toilet paper, tabloid trash."

That is by far the best description of the Daily Caller that I have seen.

Migraines are serious business. I hope for Bachmann's sake that the story is flase.

Anonymous said...

It could be said for many days
In a thousand different ways,

But time's a thief,
So for once 'll be brief.

The Right is its own worst enemy because its innate decency, persistent desire to see the best in people, and its determination always to play fair causes it to bend over backwards to accommodate its enemies.

If it's true that Bachmann has raised 23 foster kids and had several of her own, earned a law degree, has a successful political career, and still manages to look at all times like a million dollars [She's freakin' GORGEOUS!], she would certainly get my vote if she gets the nomination.

Migraines -- if she really has 'em -- obvisously have not stopped her from leading a rich, full and higly productive life.

~ FreeThinke

Silverfiddle said...

@FreeThinke: Migraines -- if she really has 'em -- obvisously have not stopped her from leading a rich, full and higly productive life.

Excellent point!

Speedy G said...

I kinda wish Rupert Murdoch owned ABC News. That way even if they were tapping Michelle Bachmann's phones, they'd be reporting FACTS instead of mere idle 3rd party and reporter speculations.

Jersey McJones said...

I don't know what Bachmann's medical issues are, but she's a still a screwball. It's no "liberal" fantasy." It's just obvious to any casual observer. She's nuts.


Speedy G said...


Speedy G said...

"I don't know, but..."

Those four words ought to be required by truth in reporting laws to preceed EVERY MSM report on Bachmann and/or Palin and the Tea Party.

Speedy G said...

Why settle for telling half-truths, Jersey? Just say, "I don't know," and then shut the 'f up and skip the, "but..."

Divine Theatre said...

Lefties are inherently sexist. They don't mind a cross dressing, transvestite, transgendered mess in places of power, though.

Jack Camwell said...

JFK suffered from Addison's Disease, chronic back pain, and was hopped up on pain killers a lot of the time.

And yes, Madison was very short and shy. I think when he read his inaugural address to Congress he was barely audible.

Jersey McJones said...

Speedy, try growing up and stop fussing over sematics. She's a screwball and every sane person KNOWS IT FOR A FACT.

She's nuts. That's a FACT.


Mark Adams said...

"She's a screwball and every sane person KNOWS IT FOR A FACT.
She's nuts. That's a FACT."

So Jersey says so, so it must be fact.... BTW when did you get your PhD in psychology?

Leticia said...

Speaking as a migraine sufferer, I know how debilitating these episodes can be. You truly cannot move, blink, or do any kind of activity while you are painfully suffering through one.

I heard on AFR that she has been hospitalized two times do to migraines.

If her migraines are that severe, they may interfere with her daily duties.

However, migraine medications are in no way, habit forming or causes a person not to be lucid or productive.

I would love to suggest to her to see a good chiropractor. Mine has helped me so much, I am off all the meds.

What the moron said the Huffpost was ridiculous and obviously misinformed.

I still believe she can do a good job.

Karen Howes said...

I know a lot of people who claim they're suffering from a migraine, when clearly they mean they just have a bad headache-- if they really had a migraine, they'd be in bed with the curtains drawn. My nephew suffers from them sometimes, and they are truly debilitating.

Lisa said...

Hmm what's worse having the president leave a room due to a migraine or leaving a room due to a temper tantrum?

Leticia said...

Excuse my misuse of the word "do" I meant "due."

Karen is correct. Migraines are NOT headaches. Migraines are so extremely painful that it is agony just to blink your eyes, nausea and vomiting can occur with an episode.

Anonymous said...

Jack said, "JFK suffered from Addison's Disease, chronic back pain, and was hopped up on pain killers a lot of the time.

"And yes, Madison was very short and shy. I think when he read his inaugural address to Congress he was barely audible."

Yes, good information there. And let's not forget that Jefferson didn't like being president, found it very stressful and enervating, and from what I've read suffered from chronic diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome while he was in White House. He may have had Crohn's Disease from the sound of it -- no picnic -- and yet he did what he had to do -- and did it damned well.

We may not like what FDR accomplished, but considering that he was a victim of polio, confined to a wheel chair, -- and married to Eleanor -- it's astonishing he was able to function so dynamically during the most stressful period in our history post-Civil War.

Between those two fellows Lincoln -- whose status as a secular saint I seriously question -- nevertheless functioned brilliantly during THE most agonizing period in our history, despite suffering from melancholia and chronic depression fits of depression. Poor Lincoln not only presided over the Civil War, he had to endure the death of two of his four sons and the chronic neurasthenia of his wife, Mary Todd, who by most reports was more of a drag than a helpmate most of their married life.

Lots of famous people who accomplished miracles in their lives were seriously handicapped in some way. Beethoven, one of the greatest of all composers, became totally deaf in mid-life, and went on to write some of his his most important music anyway. Chopin, another immortal great, suffered from consumption (tuberculosis), and did before reaching age forty -- yet he left us a unique legacy of probably the most brilliant and significant piano pieces ever written.

Not long ago I read of a young South African man born with legs that stopped and became stumps at the knees. HE got outfitted with superior prosthetics and went on to become a CHAMPION MILER who qualified for the regular International Olympics, but they wouldn't let him compete because -- now get this -- because his prosthetics gave him an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over the non-handicapped runners.

Thousands of stories like this tend to indicate that many times the challenge of a handicap or great suffering can provide an impetus to developing great strength of character and laser like focus on what one CAN achieve.

Just a little food for thought there ...

And Jersey, Michelle Bachmann's ideas may not appeal to you, but that does not necessarily mean she's crazy. C'mon, guy! Your saying something like that frankly makes you seem a bit "tetched in the head," yourself. Let's try to quit the hyperbole, shall we?

Why don't you tell us WHY you think she's nuts? She sure makes a lot of sense to me.

Have a good evening.

~ FreeThinke

Speedy G said...

"She's nuts. That's a FACT," stated an inmate at the asylum.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Speedy, might it not have been more to the point if you had said said, "It takes one to know one?"

But hey, Jersey's not crazy -- he's just a passionate guy who gets carried away sometimes.

Don't we all?

We should show compassion for those who've fallen victim to the disease of liberalism. It happens to a lot of very nice people through no fault of their own.

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

Great video on The Media v. Michelle Bachmann:

It's funny, it's truthful, and it's SHORT.

~ FreeThinke

Silverfiddle said...

I think it's hilarious when Jersey makes such categorical statements, the more absurd and unfounded, the better!

Jersey: She's ten times more accomplished than you are, so I guess that really puts you low.

Bastiatarian said...

>I don't know

With every word you write, you make that abundantly clear, regardless of the topic.

>She's nuts.

Oh, woops. There is one area with which you are intimately familiar...

Ducky's here said...

Silverfidde, just what are her accomplishments?

Has she managed any important legislation or has she primarily collected government subsidies and medicare payments from her husband's phony clinic.

Shes a religious freak and nothing more. Again, what are her accomplishments other than mouthing evangelical drivel? Name one.

You think she's going to get elected? Obama will hand her her head, just get her talking.

Ask her what she reads, that pretty much did it for the previous intellectual giant, The Pole Dancer.

Matt said...

You must be doing something right here SF. You certainly have attracted some trolls.

Silverfiddle said...

This has nothing to do with her electability, Ducky.

She earned a law degree and a post-doctoral degree in tax law and worked as a tax attorney before getting elected to various public offices.

She also raised a bunch of kids that were not her own, much to here credit and that of her husband.

So she's no Leibniz, but to say she's stupid and unaccomplished is itself a stupid statement.

And the pole dancer comment reveals the slimy underside of smirking, misogynistic liberalism that for some reason becomes unhinged at the sight of a beautiful woman who loves God, her husband and her family.

It must be really dark under that rock.

Ducky's here said...

ooops, my bad, Silverfiddle,Bachmann introduced the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act. She's way ahead of the curve.

Wow, she got a degree and worked for a time as an tax clerk for the IRS. Find those government dollars and there's Michele, she can't make it in the dreaded private sector. Nanny state all the way for Michele, your Libertarian heroine. Open your eyes.

She's a cheap opportunist and deserves as much scorn as the other fraud. Or maybe we should call THAT cheap sensationalist Hannah Arendt.

The Baggers foisted these two clowns on the American scene. Now own your screwups.

Finntann said...

God you liberals are a fine bunch.

Constantly spouting off how conservatives are racist, bigoted white supremacists promoting a WASP agenda, and you are the most intolerant people I ever hear.

Insane Jersey? What's your definition of insane? Anyone who doesn't agree with you and to your party line? Hmmm, so anyone who disagrees with your failing and flailing leftist point of view is insane, nice.

Religious Freak? Hmmmm, I seem to recall President Obama harping on the fact that he attended the same Christian Church for twenty years. Does that make him a 'religious freak' or just dishonest and disingenuous?

You left wing fringe liberals are the most narrow and close minded people I know.

"Hillary Clinton's voice gets tight as she recalls the mocking response she received when she first spoke in spiritual terms about the longing that people felt to invest in causes larger than self-interest. "I talked about my faith years ago and was pilloried for it," she says, and it is hard to tell if she is more impatient with the conservatives who presumed they held the patent on piety or with the liberals whose worship of diversity all but excluded the devout."

John Edwards explained how he reconciled evolution, which he accepts, with creationism, which he was taught growing up as a Southern Baptist. "The hand of God today," he said, "is in every step of what happens with me and every human being that exists on this planet.",9171,1642890,00.html#ixzz1ShUgfp2z

Oh, I get it, you can be religious if you are a leftist, but if you are a conservative and religious, you're a freak.

You people make me sick. So until you get a consistent point of view, why don't you just shut your pie holes. You'll be better off in the long run and eating much less crow.


Silverfiddle said...

It is telling you've now shifted the subject, Ducky.

You said...
Shes a religious freak and nothing more. Again, what are her accomplishments other than mouthing evangelical drivel?

She may be a religious freak, whatever you think that is, but I've just shown you some of her accomplishments.

I never called her a libertarian heroine, I don't think she identifies herself as libertarian...

It's not my "screw up" so I don't know why I should "own" it.

Speaking of, do you own your screwup? President Obumbles, who has brought us the longest and worst recovery in the history of the nation?

Silverfiddle said...

Well stated Finn!

Jersey needs a recording that plays right after each of his imperious pronouncement, "THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ HAS SPOKEN!"

Anonymous said...

All hail to The King of Division!
Whose quips make a ragged incision
All he does is belittle,
Cares not one jot or tittle
For amity - only derision!

Of his practice of Critical Theory
I am sure we have all become leery.
Incessant attacks
Put a load on our backs
That frays tempers and renders us weary.

And yet our dear gadfly Ducky,
Who seems not to know he is lucky
To live in The States,
Our good luck he berates
In manner obnoxious but plucky.

~ FreeThinke

Finntann said...

Oh, and given the previous days post, if 92% of Americans believe in God, where does it leave the other 8% of you totalitarian atheist-holes?

A rationale perspective would leave each individuals beliefs up to the individual. That would be freedom now, wouldn't it?

And as I've always said, if there is anything worse than a Fundamentalist Christian, it's a Fundamentalist Atheist.

Your dogma is disgusting, more so than any other religion I've come across.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Why don't you try 1000mg of consistancy and call back in the morning.

Ducky's here said...

Where do you get the idea I support Obummer, the banksters freaking lapdog?

The guys a real leftists dream, huh?

KOed single payer.

Just loves to carry on with the nonsense about fighting terror (LMFAO) in Afghanistan.

Regularly on his knees to Netanyahu

Watered banking regulation down to nothing

Gave a bundle to useless health insurance companies

Dedicated to cutting Social Security

Dedicated to doing absolutely nothing to control health care costs

My guess is that the true reason the right is upset with this clown is that he didn't get tough enough with the homos suit you.

Yes, the recovery has been lengthy and weak. Okay, that's a descriptive variable. Doesn't tell us a thing about his policies and what they might have done to aggravate or remediate the recovery.

I say he filed because he did absolutely nothing to stabilize the housing market. But anything he did in that regard would have the right screaming "socialism, look at the socialist". All you have to offer is supply side nonsense and the utterly ridiculous belief that progressive taxation of the wealthy costs jobs, absolutely the pure stinky cheese (ref: Clinton tax policy).

What's a religious freak, Finntann? Someone like Michele Bachmann, the American Taliban who wants to bring marginal religious beliefs into the government of a secular culture. Okay for a start?

Country Thinker said...

Silver, you know I'm quite critical of Bachmann. She's not "nuts," as JMJ suggests (without example), but rather, I'm concerned she's a lawyer who hasn't kicked the habit, much like the current "occupant" onf the White House (I use that term loosely).

It doesn't bother me if she has migraines, other than empathy for her condition. So what? So did Lincoln. My problem is she has truth issues, although not as bad as Obama.

Ducky's here said...

Come on Freethinker, I've been around the world and know there are place every bit as desirable to live as America.

I am very grateful I live in the sanity of New England. If I were some place like Florida or Texas I would be long gone.

Silverfiddle said...

@Ducky If I were some place like Florida or Texas I would be long gone.

Yeah, some people can't handle liberty.

And you make a great case for federalism, where power is rightly returned to the states. We are not a one size fits all nation.

Country: I am not a Bachmann fan, but I don't like to see people unfairly trashed. I think she is a good woman, based upon information publicly available.

MK said...

When obama was running against McCain, weren't the haters screaming that he was about to die, heart attacks etc.

And he's still around today, that and given the joker currently pretending to lead the free world, i'll ignore any leftist caterwauling about any other conservative.

Finntann said...

Ducky, the sanity of New England? Hell when I lived and worked in Massachusetts, half the people I worked with lived in either Rhode Island or New Hampshire, just to get out of Mass Taxes and politics. By the way, I love New England, the history, art and music, but regrettably I can't stand your assinine leftist politics so regrettably I will never live there again. That whole revolution, freedom thing has just been lost to you.

I've lived both in Europe and Asia, and if you think there are much better places to be, by all means go there... I understand Venezuela is lovely this time of year.

You people have completely and utterly lost what this country was all about. With freedom comes personal responsiblity. You want everything handed to you on a silver platter by your nanny state.

Believe me, Florida and Texas don't want you, and Colorado certainly doesn't, we've got enought liberal relocatees from California who figure if the leftist crap in California didn't work there, maybe it will work in Colorado. But I forget... that's predominately the only part of Colorado you assign any value to...Boulder. Which in my state is a frigging joke. But if you like oxygen bars and wheat grass shots, more power to you.

You see, the main difference between a conservative and a liberal is the conservative wants the freedom to do what he wants and the liberal wants the freedom to do what he wants... but he wants someone else to pay for it.

You know, I prefer a secular conservative over a religious conservative, but I'll take either over a liberal, and I don't make religion the litmus test by which I judge people.

I don't care if you believe in Yahweh, Allah, God, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so long as you understand our government doesn't legislate religion or proscribe it. You miss the whole point of freedom and diversity, unless of course that diversity meets the criteria of your political agenda and gets you votes. Quite frankly if there was a significant minority of Nazis or Royalists in this country, I think you would be kissing their asses too, to get votes.

Isn't it amazing that the electoral map by county parallels exactly what the founding fathers warned against, and attempted to mitigate in the establishment of this Republic and the electoral college. The domination of the politics by urban areas. Cause frankly, you liberals got the cities and we got everything else. Take a look at an electoral map by county.

You can dis' the baggers all you want, but remember in the long run, who grows your food, and by your own admission who's got the guns.

Mark Adams said...

"... just what are her accomplishments?"

And that's just in the 112th.

Ducky's here said...

She co-sponsored some bills. Okay, big whoop.

Trestin said...

I've never been big on the Daily Caller. PJ Media is more my cup of... Noodles?

Ducky's here said...

Finntann, I have to admit that I sense a little cheating when the right starts to throw this word "freedom" around. Pretty complex idea that philosophers have been debating for some time, no?

I remember indulging in a guilty pleasure and listening to a local rabies radio hate jock and this guy calls, "Hi Jay, I'm a marine so I know something about freedom."

And I think to myself, how does this guy think the act of enlistment gives him standing to present himself as an authority on the matter? It's very common with those who have gone through the military indoctrination. It strikes me as pretty dumb for you to assume you have anything but limited authority in the matter. I'll define it for myself, thank you very much.

As I say, the military may at times defend the culture but it has NO PART in creating the culture so it really should be a little circumspect about thinking it has standing to speak for any one but itself.

Big world, complex world but you'd never know it listening to the right wing.

Ducky's here said...

Finntann, I have a freaking .50 Barret lockered up in Maine.

Stop it with the idiotic gun loon crap. Remember who's got the guns, Yeah, a bunch of bangers down on Bowdoin & Geneva who will kick your punk concealed carry arse if you show up outside your little whitebread suburb.

Remember who has the guns, you guys are predictable and simplex.

Anonymous said...

Hey Boss,

Who them baggers he keep talkin' 'bout? Be they them guys at the checkout counter in the food store?

What's they got to do with politics?

Maybe he means them carpetbaggers that took over the South? But they's all dead now, ain't they?

Baggers. Baggers. Baggers. I jess dunno. I cain't figger it out.

What do he mean?

Could it be them peoples that rake up the leaves and puts 'em in them big black bags for the trash folks to carry away?

Well, I ain't goin' to worry about it no more. You all kin figger it out. I is going to bed.

~ FreeThinke

Z said...

Lisa, if Advil works, it's not a migraine, honey. I had them for years and they stopped but SF is right; they can flatten you and did me for 3 days at a time...I'd lose 5 lbs each time from nausea. NOT FUN.
Leticia, I'm SO SORRY you suffer from them.

Only a leftwing media would insult someone suffering from so painful a condition; man, it's barely stopped her amazing energy in her raising of children and doing her job and campaigning, etc....what's hard to see about that? How can one infer anything so stupid as she can't do the job? REALLY?

Anonymous said...

If Ducky prefers countries foreign,
He might deserve featherin' 'n tarrin.'
French chateaux are divine,
And I love cheese and wine,
But the dwelling's are like Rabbit's warren.

The houses are cramped and expensive
Though the search for good plumbing's intensive,
Of amenities bare
With no room to spare
Living space there is hardly extensive

Given the general lack of adequate toilet facilities, the Continent is definitely not for the incontinent.

Unless you are a seasoned fitness freak, youth and elder hostels are hostile, indeed. First-class accommodations are prohibitively expensive.

Do I not like Eurailpass?
You bet your sweet ass!

The only way to travel far
Is in a chauffeur-driven car.

Being energy efficient,
Is for the mentally deficient.

If you venture 'cross the sea,
Move in wasteful luxury.

Sleeping in a soggy tent
Will make your trip one long lament.

~ FT

Bastiatarian said...

>the sanity of New England

Nobody that is actually sane would ever believe that, of course. Or maybe you're comparing it to Kookafornia.

Always On Watch said...

If they are as strong and as frequent as the story alleges, I think Michele Bachman’s migraines disqualify her from the presidency.


One of my homeschool moms has migraines, so I've seen how devastating those headaches can be.

Silverfiddle said...

Finntann, I have a freaking .50 Barret lockered up in Maine.

You live in Massachusetts but keep a gun locked up in Maine? Thats how the Gun fearing people of Europe do it.

Laugh of the Day

@Ducky Stop it with the idiotic gun loon crap. Remember who's got the guns, Yeah, a bunch of bangers down on Bowdoin & Geneva who will kick your punk concealed carry arse if you show up outside your little whitebread suburb.

Now that's funny, I don't care who you are!

Bd said...

We've already had one moron in the White House with Bush who nealry destroyed this country. Bachmann would certainly put us over the edge.

Anonymous said...

AOW, if Lord Nelson, who was subject to violent fits of seasickness, and had literally to be tied to the mast in order to keep on giving orders, could earn a place in history as one of the greatest naval commanders of all time, Michelle Bachmann could function well as our president, even if subject to periodic migraines.

And believe me I do know how debilitating migraines can be.

Do you know what a severe bout of seasickness can do to a person? It can make you wish you were dead.

Many of us spend a signifiant portion of our lives coping with debilitating illnesses of one kind or another. It's never any fun, but -- as I've tried to indicate with a few anecdotes above -- the really great don't let let disease or profound disability stop them from making magnificent achievments.

I'm not a great admirer of Marcel Proust, but he is regarded as an important author, and earned a secure place in literary history. By all accounts he wrote Remembrance of Things Past -- his greatest work -- a huge two-volume affair comprised of nearly two-thousand pages -- from the confines of a sick bed.

John Roebling supervised the building of the Brooklyn Bridge -- possibly the greatest engineering feat of his time -- while confined to bed suffering with great pain from a crushed foot or ankle -- by using his WILL, his devotion to DUTY, and his BRAIN, then transferring his meticulous plans to his wife, who was able to carry them to the work site to see the enormous project was completed.

The Empire state building -- the tallest structure in the world when it was built, and one of the most beautiful and imposing -- was constructed in a mere EIGHTEEN MONTHS in the middle of THE GREAT DEPRESSION. Could we do that today? NO, we could not, because we've adopted a diseased mentality that now governs us.

The pervasive Defeatist Attitude -- the CAN'T DO mentality we see everywhere today -- is symptomatic of the demoralization a full century of insidious influence Marxism has brought to bear on the age in which we now live.

The discoverers and founders of the United States of America never knew -- never even considered that possibility -- that it couldn't be done, and that is why they were able to accomplish so very much.

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

AOW, if Lord Nelson, who was subject to violent fits of seasickness, and had literally to be tied to the mast in order to keep on giving orders, could earn a place in history as one of the greatest naval commanders of all time, Michelle Bachmann could function well as our president, even if subject to periodic migraines.

And believe me I do know how debilitating migraines can be.

Do you know what a severe bout of seasickness can do to a person? It can make you wish you were dead.

Many of us spend a signifiant portion of our lives coping with debilitating illnesses of one kind or another. It's never any fun, but -- as I've tried to indicate with a few anecdotes above -- the really great don't let let disease or profound disability stop them from making magnificent achievments.

I'm not a great admirer of Marcel Proust, but he is regarded as an important author, and earned a secure place in literary history. By all accounts he wrote Remembrance of Things Past -- his greatest work -- a huge two-volume affair comprised of nearly two-thousand pages -- from the confines of a sick bed.

John Roebling supervised the building of the Brooklyn Bridge -- possibly the greatest engineering feat of his time -- while confined to bed suffering with great pain from a crushed foot or ankle -- by using his WILL, his devotion to DUTY, and his BRAIN, then transferring his meticulous plans to his wife, who was able to carry them to the work site to see the enormous project was completed.

The Empire state building -- the tallest structure in the world when it was built, and one of the most beautiful and imposing -- was constructed in a mere EIGHTEEN MONTHS in the middle of THE GREAT DEPRESSION. Could we do that today? NO, we could not, because we've adopted a diseased mentality that now governs us.

The pervasive Defeatist Attitude -- the CAN'T DO mentality we see everywhere today -- is symptomatic of the demoralization a full century of insidious influence Marxism has brought to bear on the age in which we now live.

The discoverers and founders of the United States of America never knew -- never even considered that possibility -- that it couldn't be done, and that is why they were able to accomplish so very much.

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

Sorry. If I knew how and why this blogger software makes double posts, I'd make sure it never happened.

Have a great day.

~ FT

Z said...

Sf...they tried STUPID charges and couldn't get anywhere...then the GAY HUSBAND story which didn't get traction, then the PRAYING GAYS STRAIGHT which the proved only occurred when asked, and now they're on MIGRAINES WILL PREVENT MICHELE FROM PERFORMING AS A PRESIDENT.. what next? Maybe Michele's really a man and ALL the babies are foster kids? :-)

Z said...

I wish you had an email address I could write to, by the way.

Lisa said...

Z I know I do get migraines but short of a prescription I find Advil works so long as you catch it before it runs it's course. I get the whole aura thing,the nausea,the numbness in the hands,slurred speech etc. I used to take Fiorinol which worked great but since I don't get them that often I stopped taking it because you had to take it every day. Also mine last about 7- 8 hours, not days which I feel bad for those who have it that long.
My dad used to get them . The trick for me is to catch it at it's first sign so it doesn't go it's full course.
My doctor gave me Imitrex but I never took it because my sister in law took it an she said the initial feeling from it is scary. Your spine gets hot and your heart races.
everyone who knows m know that if I get one it they will keep asking me how I'm doing because they know it will probably be time to go home soon.

Finntann said...

Ducky, the point I was making was half tongue in cheek. The liberal base is urban, the vast majority of whom couldn't survive outside of an urban environment, and poking fun at you regarding the "clinging to guns and religion" crack.

"Yeah, a bunch of bangers down on Bowdoin & Geneva who will kick your punk concealed carry arse if you show up outside your little whitebread suburb."

Now that's hilarious...given that I grew up in West Philly before it started to become fashionable. You ever see the neighborhood in the intro of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? I've played B-ball on that concrete court.

"As I say, the military may at times defend the culture but it has NO PART in creating the culture so it really should be a little circumspect about thinking it has standing to speak for any one but itself."

Really? WTF do you think marching bands are? ROFLMAO Your naivette really shines when you start talking about the military. Yeah, keep repeating the military contributes nothing to culture over and over again. If you say it enough it might come true...while your at it, why don't you say it over and over again while clicking your ruby sequined slippers together.

Had you said I have a Barrett M82, M85, M107 I'd have been impressed. Saying I have a Barret .50 makes me think you play Call of Duty too much, unlock the ACOG scope yet?

70 base damage * 1.4 (Stopping Power) * 1.5 (Head/Neck/Chest shot)


I'd be more impressed if you had 40 acres, 10 50lb bags of wheat seed and a TORO tractor.


Ducky's here said...

The best you can come up with is marching bands? Q.E.D.

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